This is a great Sci/Fi Dystopian novel written by a polished writer with great chops that make the tale more interesting. Many dystopian stories are about a rebel growing up to become a leader. Along the way, it’s almost mandatory to spend some time in the autocrat’s jail. Well, this hero starts the story in […]
“Backstories” by Simon Van der Velde
This book is a collection of short stories with a twist. As the title indicates, they are stories about famous people before they became famous. So, even when you’re enjoying the characters portrayed, you’re also playing the game of “Who is it?” The ending is often a final clue that makes it all fall into […]
“Of Welter and Whim” by Mike Mac
One essence of poetry is the elegant and economical use of words. Mr. Mac’s poems are short and dense with meaning, often with a wry twist. “I could never lose someone as much as I lost you.” Who needs more? Even the simplest of his poems is worth a second read to appreciate the shades […]