Airborn Press Publications
October, 2018
Ocean of Grass
The Petrellan Saga Book 1
April, 2017
The Innkeeper’s Husband
The Petrellan Saga Book 5
Jhanes, an experienced mercenary at the peak of his profession, encounters an unstoppable foe, and his defeat leads him to question his life’s path. Holing up at a country inn to recover from his injuries, he becomes intrigued by the landlady, a woman of strength and compassion. As the months go by their relationship develops, and he begins to dream of a new life as an innkeeper.
But his unique talents and experience are needed to save the kingdom from attack by fierce savages from the high southern plains. Just when he is getting used to his new life, his old life reaches for him and offers him challenge and success such as he never dreamed of.
Of course, in order to satisfy the needs of his kingdom and his new family, he first has to stay alive.
April, 2017
Zoysana’s Choice
The Petrellan Saga Begins
Discovered as a child living alone in the forest, and growing up an orphan of mixed parentage, but under the protection of the king’s youngest son, Zoe is appreciated for her own merit by everyone, from the royal family to the lowest kitchen wench. But her secure nest is shattered by conflict in the king’s family, and soon she will have to decide where her loyalty lies.
She flees to her former home in the mountains, where she finds many answers, but not to the questions she is asking.
Then she is offered the chance to visit Kyabra, the home of her grandfather, to learn about that ancient culture.
But all of these travels come to naught when she hears of war at home, and she returns to Petrella to be faced with a decision that could stop a war and change the lives of thousands, but only at the greatest personal cost.
November, 2016
The Trouble With Tents
World of Change Book 4
Jameta anDennal is a quandary to all who know her. How can someone who is so pleasant and polite get away with doing the things she does?
Jameta isn’t sure herself. One thing she does know; everyone is always trying to figure her out. Which puzzles her, because all of them are so easy to decipher. In fact, she has to be careful, because people get very upset when she knows things about them that she really shouldn’t.
But reading people isn’t much use if you can’t get them to do what you want. Especially Erlon, the handsome guard Captain. He acts like he loves her, but he seems afraid to do anything about it.
And now they are going off on a caravan journey to the deserts of the East, with many issues unsolved, the first one being her edgy relationship with Aleria, the Caravan Master. And there’s something about her family’s heritage that no one will tell her.
No matter what happens on this trip, Jameta is going to learn a lot: hopefully enough to keep her alive.
January 1, 2016
Storm Over Savournon
A Novel of the French Revolution
Alain’s dreams could only come true if his world was turned upside down. With the Revolution, everything seemed possible. But he gains his love, only to fear that he is losing her: first to the Revolution, and then because of it.
January 1, 2016
Mountains of Mischief
World of Change Book 3
Nobody messes with a Dalmyn wagon train. That is the credo of Dalmyn Cartage, and their drivers and guards are up to the task of keeping it that way.
Until Aleria anDalmyn goes out on her first assignment as wagonmaster and runs into a simmering quarrel involving an ancient boundary dispute and forbidden Mechanical weapons. And a Ghost Beast from an ancient tale, which Aleria would prefer not to believe in until the mutilated bodies persuade her otherwise.
Trapped in the suffocating depths of a crumbling mountain fortress by an ambitious and relentless foe, Aleria struggles to survive as her small party gets whittled down and her confidence in her ability to do her duty fades.
Even the sturdy presence of her guard Captain, Erlon, with his hand-and-a-half sword, and the handsome but diffident Kolwyn anLlannon, inheritor of the lore of the Old Ones, can protect her party if she makes the wrong move. And then there are the two unknown horsemen dogging her footsteps. Do they have contact with a traitor in her own camp? Who can she trust?
And where in her crowded life is there a time and a place for the love she craves?
Heralded by advance readers as the best book in the series, this novel steps up the action considerably, without losing the fine characterization and quirky humour of the earlier books.
December 24, 2014
Into Trouble
World of Change Book 2
Just as Mito seems to be solving her problems, Aleria’s hopes for a solution to her own difficulties fade as the dreams increase and her dissatisfaction with her life deepens.
A mission to obtain information leads her to a more subtle danger; is Lord Fauvé a clever rebel, or is he a very tempting solution to her search for a place in life?
But again the world she has been so sheltered from reaches out and slaps her in the face. Suffused with rage at her ultimate degredation, Aleria goes about taking her revenge with methodical skill.
Returning home, she discovers that she is even farther from the old traditional life she had always avioded. She still feels the same, but the attitudes of everyone else towards her have changed. No one knows quite how to treat her. And when social conventions threaten her friendship with Mito, Aleria decides it’s time to straighten out the whole lot of them.
June 29, 2014
Out of Mischief
World of Change Book 1
Thrown into a nasty rebellion by a schoolgirl prank gone wrong, Aleria faces rape, murder, and worse. She is shielded by an Army spy who has infiltrated the band of thugs that captured her. But after a while she begins to wonder if he isn’t getting too enthusiastic about their violent charade, and her terror mounts.
Rescue comes, but her ordeal isn’t over. To survive, Aleria must make a decision that will change the course of her life.
October 18, 2013
My Dreams Fulfilled
Manfred Haller
The memories of Manfred Haller, a member of the “Between the Wars” generation in Europe, who survived the fall of German power in Italy at the end of WWII and went searching for the ideal place to make a new life for himself and his family.
August 15, 2013
Memories of Ferry Stroble and Azu Ski Village
Edited By
Roberta Long
Narrative and Photographs by the Azu Old-timers
October 21, 2013
Cat with Many Claws
Sword Called Kitten Book 2
In the second book of the “Sword Called Kitten” series, racial tension and rebellion threaten the shaky social fabric of Inderjorne. Kitten is forced to groom an unlikely leader – Eirlin the Healer – for the difficult role of Protector of the realm and its people. But Eirlin’s new Magic Scalpel, Excisor, is turning out to be more than a handful, and her romance with Ostersund the Magician has lost its magic. Kitten just can’t get the Healer to focus on the task at hand. The Sword is desperate to develop talents she didn’t know she had – and some that she definitely doesn’t have – but she needs them, and she needs them now!
November 7, 2012
Why Are People So Stupid?
Social Commentary with a Twist
Biting analysis of:
The Stock Market, Committees, Corporate Cowboys, Bureaucracy, Communism, Capitalism, Bullies. And that idiot driving in front of you who slams on his brakes for no reason.
December 28, 2011
A Sword Called…Kitten?
Romantic Humour with a Point
Lost a century ago from its traditional owner, thrown into a swamp by a Hand with no ear for music, the Sword struggles through the seamy underside of society to regain the path towards honour, glory, and a name of its own.
This new prospect is only a woodcutter, but he has a strong arm, a sense of duty, and a receptive mind. Trouble looms for his village. A chance for heroic deeds? The Sword dares to dream again.
But what about his sister? How can a Sword earn honour and glory with a Healer hanging around, making everybody get along with each other?
And if only there was someone around with a decent sense of humour…
A coming-of-age story with a twist, this romantic comedy is written to appeal to both the Adult and the YA market.
January 1, 1991
Expressive Poetre Performance
A Handbook for Students and Speech Arts Performers