This is a volume of six long short stories, each one taking a different slant on an old fairy tale formula. It’s dangerous ground to tread, because the Fractured Fairy Tale has been around a long time, and has been tried by some of the best. The first, Cinderayla, is perhaps the most slanted of […]
“Dark Treats” by Ray Gregory
This book of short stories is a dive into the twisted depths of the disturbed human psyche. Each tale peels back the layers of the mind of one individual who is twisted further, either by self, circumstances or the manipulation of other warped characters, towards an act that would be considered insane except that we […]
“What Now?” by Joyce V. Harrison
This is a book of short stories about change. Change inside, change in fortune, change in life. In each case we are treated to the inner thoughts and feelings of a character who has reached a turning point in an existence that was already on the edge, and for most of them the only path […]
“Of Pigs and Meteorites” by G. Dorchak
This is billed as a book of short stories, but it plays more like series of evenings on the back porch with a sack of suds, shooting the breeze with the old geezer from down the street. The plotlines of the stories are best summed up in his own coined word, “unnoteworthy.” He doesn’t pretend […]
“Nine Stray Shots” by Jesus Miguel Soto
Let me start by stating that I am not a big fan of modern short literature. Often the creativity of the writer comes first; communication and connection to the readers come a poor second. This book of short stories blows that all out of the water. The standout quality of this volume is a deeply […]
“Dragon Springs and Other Things” by Raven Oak
This is a book containing a small number of longer stories which are not quite novellas. The subject matter is always some alternate reality, whether Sci-Fi or Fantasy, and the ideas are always worth thinking about. What the reader notices immediately is the author’s skill at jumping into the story right away, while bringing us […]
“Path of Most Resistance” by Yoav Ilan
A standard device in surrealistic writing is to start out with a completely normal situation, which rolls along merrily until the readers are starting to think, “Okay, so what?” And then we begin to realize that the situation is not normal. In fact, hidden behind the daily façade is something horribly abnormal. And this leads […]
“Ned Wakes Up” Short Stories by John Wells
This is a book that gives gentle pleasure, like sitting on a porch on a warm spring evening, listening to a favourite uncle ramble on. The tone of each tale is much the same: intimate, placid and entertaining. These stories are distinguished by incredible attention to detail. The settings are described lovingly, and the minutest […]
“Backstories” by Simon Van der Velde
This book is a collection of short stories with a twist. As the title indicates, they are stories about famous people before they became famous. So, even when you’re enjoying the characters portrayed, you’re also playing the game of “Who is it?” The ending is often a final clue that makes it all fall into […]
“Captain Arnold Other Tales of the Abnormal” by Arthur M. Doweyko
This compilation of short stories is best described by comparison. It has the same style and intent as the old “Outer Limits” TV show. Always questioning our everyday reality. Always wondering, “What if…?” The stories run the gamut of Sci-Fi: a few UFOs, a touch of time travel, a shot of dystopian life of various […]