I am seeing a lot of this new genre lately: YA Space Operas. It’s a tempting area to work in for a beginning author, because of the looser writing standards of the original genre and a less sophisticated audience. However, writers should not take this as permission to be sloppy in style or execution. The […]
“America: Dr. Wiley’s Construct – Episode 1” by Jackson Wilder
This is a short book comprising 69 pages, a single episode in a longer serial, an old-style Steampunk story with echoes of modern social and political problems, deftly merged. While the publicity calls this book a novella, it really isn’t. It is the first episode of a series, and as such has a different structure […]
“The Tech” by Mark Ravine
“Bad News Bears” meets “The Dirty Dozen” on Netflix It’s interesting when a change happens to the format of something as tried-and-true as the novel. In the case of “The Tech,” we are talking about a book with the plotline, characters, and conflict arc of a NetFlix 8-episode series. In many cases, this kind of […]