Take the title at face value; this is not your usual Fantasy. Most novels of this genre move back and forth among the various levels of the hierarchy, from poor individuals to the middle class, up through the nobility and sometimes to the level of the gods. This one starts the main character off at […]
“Soledad in the Desert” by Meredith Sue Willis
The enjoyment of this story is all about a unique style of writing that works. It is the tale of a group of people re-inventing their culture on an alien world, seen through the eyes of one of the children. So, the story starts with simple and childlike writing, which develops as the child matures […]
“Magic” by Mike Russell
I’m not usually in favour of introductions to fiction. I think the first chapter should speak for itself. However, in the case of this novel, I’m going to make an exception. The introduction doesn’t introduce the book; it introduces the narrator. It sets the tone, the writing style, and the personality perfectly. So, don’t skip […]