This strange novel has a fascinating story line, but it seems the author tried a little too hard to be creative, and thus did not succeed in communicating clearly with readers. Granted, the heroine is a teenager, but the other characters are adults, and yet the conversation is peppered with “golly,” and “ohso” and juvenile […]
“Nine Stray Shots” by Jesus Miguel Soto
Let me start by stating that I am not a big fan of modern short literature. Often the creativity of the writer comes first; communication and connection to the readers come a poor second. This book of short stories blows that all out of the water. The standout quality of this volume is a deeply […]
“Small Stories: A Perfectly Absurd Novel” by Rob Roy Okeefe
This is a book of off-the-wall interactive humour, with the author breaking the fourth wall often to speak directly to readers and stopping the story for tongue-in-cheek explanations of esoteric details and facts. It’s the story of the inability of humans to get along with each other, as typified by small-town civic politics, with a […]