These short stories are more tightly interwoven than in most works of this genre. They are thematically linked, being multiple well-considered examples of the possibilities involved in having our lives taken over by Artificial Intelligence, alien overseers, gods or the plain old economic elite we’ve always had.
Likewise, the general tone of the book is consistent. The main character usually carries a self-aware, smart-assed attitude which seeps into the narrative voice as well. This gives the reading experience a light, carefree feeling that counters any suspicion of pedantry caused by the serious nature of the theme and the sometimes-ghastly fates that await the characters. To use the author’s own dialogue, his characters seem to be living in a “dramedy.”
As far as the Sci-Fi element, there is enough of the near future — tech, media and economics — to keep the hardest Hard Sci-Fi fans scrambling. Physical settings have little importance to the stories; it’s the people and their societies that matter.
This book demonstrates the usefulness of Science Fiction in shaping human thought. These works of fiction are as worthwhile as any philosophical discussion about the dangers of ceding our independence to any superior force.
And entertain us at the same time. Highly recommended for fans of both the quirky and the philosophical. Don’t worry; you won’t be bored.
Five Stars.