This book is a lovely bit of Fantasy, but it seems like the author isn’t quite sure what kind of a book he is writing. Let me explain.
As the title indicates, this is basically a take-off of the standard Fantasy Quest. It contains references to pickleball and other modernisms. I particularly liked the celebration named the “Kathryn the Kind Beat the Onyx Wing So Let’s Celebrate and Get Drunk Festival”
However, the settings are beautifully described the and main characters are handled with gravity, to the point where the serious story arc takes over, and we get more deeply involved. The theme of abandonment is delicately handled, and cooperation and trust are featured.
But then we come to a village where everyone is called Phillip, and the hospital is called the “Boo Boo House.” This lightweight frippery comes complete with a dangerous cult and a bloody battle at the end.
One of the themes regards empathy for others, but the author’s technique for demonstrating it involves a slithering point of view that moves from the main character to someone else for a moment, then back again. Rather disorienting.
The key that makes it all fit together is the precision with which the adventures and their surprising outcomes match the themes of the story. This is a carefully crafted book, and I enjoyed it immensely. I’m just not sure who to recommend it to. My default in this sort of situation is to suggest a read-aloud with your nine-year-old, so you can edit on the fly.
Four stars.