This is a book of what can only be termed Short Fiction. Stories range from several pages down to, in one case, a single sentence. Thematically, they extend a fair stretch from the perfectly realistic into the realm of the surreal. But there is always enough reality present to keep you believing that maybe, if […]
“The Hybrids” by Quentin Eckman
This is a very specific genre, a cross between Romantic Comedy and Fanciful Science Fiction, requiring a larger dollop of suspension of disbelief than usual. However, if you allow yourself to be carried away on waves of feel-goodness, you will be amply repaid. The main plotline involves a super-human alien who visited Earth ten thousand […]
“Pacific Odyssey” by Chet Nairene
“Pacific Odyssey” is out-and-out Romantic Comedy. It is so romantic it leaves reality and moves into the Fantasy realm, and we step into a world where truth takes a back seat to fancy. Put in traditional terms, this is the quintessential Hero’s Journey. Lew is a typical high-rolling young up-and-coming executive with the world at […]
“Fathoms Uncharted” by Patrick Kaufmann
This is a book written by an experienced wordsmith who has dropped the ball on writing a genre book. Even when you are an entertaining artist, it’s not good enough to know all the memes and all the traditional scenarios and dump every one of them on us in great profusion. “Fathoms Uncharted” is the […]