“Aviator’s Awakening” is listed as a Space Opera, but it doesn’t fit the genre comfortably. It has the prerequisite alien species, neatly conceived and well-described. It has the military setting, with a hazy background of interstellar war, but the action takes place in a very restricted setting, and the majority of the conflict is either […]
“The Forest of Stone” Flash Fiction by Lance Manion
Flash fiction is the standup comedy of literature. It has to be short, sharp, snappy, and hopefully funny and/or meaningful. Of course, nobody actually follows any rules, and Lance Manion is a repeat offender. He writes what he feels like writing, and we take it or leave it. His humour is based on his ability […]
“Break Through: Master Your Default Mode and Thrive” by Hosein Kouros-Mehr, MD, PhD
“Break Through” is a comprehensive pass through the emotional problems of humans, gathering together the solutions of the world’s religions and philosophies, and tying them all together with practical advice on how to apply these principles to live a happier, healthier and more enlightened life. The science sounds believable and the writer is creditable, but […]