This is a paranormal novel with an unusual approach to werewolves. Most of these stories glorify the power and beauty of the species, while throwing them enough difficulties to keep the story interesting. These werecats find their genetic malformation a life-threatening handicap, almost uncontrollable. A great deal of the conflict in the story revolves around […]
“How We Became Intergalactic Space Heroes” by Chris von Halle
I often tell authors that a Table of Contents with creative chapter titles can be one of their best sales drivers. When this book opened with “Chapter One, Joe’s Toenails,” I was intrigued. “Chapter Two, Dana’s Underwear,” sealed the deal. Full disclosure: eleven- and twelve-year-olds were my favourite grades to teach. These kids are old […]
“Shade” by Michael Wayne
Stories about the Afterlife abound, and when another one rolls down my computer screen, I ask myself, “How is this different from the others?” In the case of “Shade,” the answers are straightforward. Afterlife authors have to be very canny with the new world they are inventing. After all, most readers have some kind of […]
“Secondhand Spaceman” by Rachel Aukes
This is not, strictly speaking, a novel; it’s the promising first episode of a Space Opera serial. It is short, episodic, light, and irreverent to both modern life and Sci-Fi convention. Don’t expect any sort of scientific plausibility or day-to-day veracity. It’s not that kind of Sci-Fi. If a guy needs to open a hatch […]