Let me start by stating that I am not a big fan of modern short literature. Often the creativity of the writer comes first; communication and connection to the readers come a poor second. This book of short stories blows that all out of the water. The standout quality of this volume is a deeply […]
“The Precipice” by Shawn Inmon
One of the criteria when judging a post-apocalypse novel is how much thought the author has put into the veracity of the fall of civilization, and the logic of what happens next. Mr. Inmon excels at this aspect of the genre, perhaps to a fault. But more on that later. The opening mob scene plays […]
“The Death of Definitivity” by Inch Distant
This book is in a Sci-Fi subgenre by itself: it is an experimental extrapolation, using present-day medical/psychiatric/technological and media advancements, of what might be waiting for humanity in the future. As an example, the book refers to Inch Distant as a character in the third person. The ideas are the primary topic, the plot secondary. […]
“Magicom” by Adam Joseph
This novel has a standard Fantasy setting with a political underlay of 1930’s German Fascism, combined with steam-punk-style technology, alchemistic science, and plain old magic with a touch of zombies. In the long run, this comes out as too much of a good thing. Combined with the multiple points of view, there is simply too […]