This novel is Romance Sci-Fi, with a definite accent on the romantic side. Too much so, unfortunately. There is a reason why novels usually have multiple conflict levels. Sci-Fi books usually have a romantic plot thread. Then there is often inter-personal conflict, always some kind of technical conflict, and usually both physical and political external […]
“The Retribution, Gallows Gold Book 2” by James Thomson
I reviewed the first book in the series, “The Agreement,” last summer, and while the second book stands alone pretty well, I suggest you read the first book first. The second book is more of the same, so then you’ll know whether you want to pick it up as well. I recommended “The Agreement,” and I […]
“The String Conspiracy” by Candace Freilich
This is a difficult book to review, because its greatest asset is also its main weakness, and I run the risk of damning it with faint praise. Allow me to explain. It is advertised as Science Fiction, but believe me, it resides in that narrow band where Sci-Fi and Fantasy overlap. The technical wizardry is […]
“Sliding Off,” by Alejandro dell Mar
A standard format for many novels is to create a few individual characters set apart from each other, and then use the plotlines of the book to draw them closer and closer together until they clash at the climax. The danger in this sort of writing is to take too much time with the setup, […]
“Wren and the Tarnished Tiger” by E. M. Leander
This novel has a great Epic Fantasy battle-filled prologue, full of action, gore, wonderful description and people we don’t need to know for the rest of the story. Then the main character, Wren, appears, and the tale takes on the genial tone of her personality. Also, the plotline appears, and we realize that we are […]