As fans of heredity sites and the history of fabrics will know, the distaff is the female side of humanity. If you want more than that, read this book, because I guaranteed by the end you will know far more than you ever thought possible about weaving, spinning, stitching, women and femininity. And the history […]
“Small Stories: A Perfectly Absurd Novel” by Rob Roy Okeefe
This is a book of off-the-wall interactive humour, with the author breaking the fourth wall often to speak directly to readers and stopping the story for tongue-in-cheek explanations of esoteric details and facts. It’s the story of the inability of humans to get along with each other, as typified by small-town civic politics, with a […]
“Hyperkill: A Pirates of Khonoë Space Opera” by Robert Muller
At first glance, “Hyperkill” has all the elements of a Space Opera and more: agents, assassins, intergalactic intrigue, cutting-edge fictional science and pirates. The main character, Pavan, is pretty much what we expect: a good guy with the usual flaws, most of them revolving around beautiful women. He is also at a transition time in […]
“Dr. Metifunger’s Transdimensional Veterinary Clinic” by Todd Strubbe
I would classify this novel as Quirky Sci-Fi Humour. Humour, most definitely. It had me chuckling aloud several times. The premise of the story is a vet clinic that exists simultaneously in five similar, but not completely the same worlds. This gives the author a chance to toss in any number of weird and wonderful […]