All fantasy writers are sociologists, creating societies that contain elements of our own world and exploring the possibilities for change. For most of us, the social and political setting is background for the development of the characters. “Wakeful Wanderer” has it the other way around. The philosophies of the various groups are the main elements […]
“Lost in the Vast” by Chelsea Thornton & Travis Brown
This series is a modern YA take on Indiana Jones, an Alternate Reality about three twenty-somethings who act more like teenagers. Of course, that’s the target readership, so no one will complain. The writing style pops with colour and detail, appropriate to the jungles and ruins in which the action takes place, although it goes […]
“Wolfe Trap” by Matt Cost
I have reviewed Mr. Cost’s work earlier this year, and find myself repeating those comments and applying them to this novel. However, for those of you who missed “Mainely Money,” here goes. Generally, this author writes a great action novel but tends to fall in love with his research, and expects us to do the […]