This is a YA Fantasy, following the plotline of the teenager who discovers she is not like all the other humans. In this case, it’s not all nicey-nicey like usual, because Brynn and her family are goblins. This is Book Two in the series, so the newness has worn off, and she is left to […]
“Love in Another Time” by Lexa Dudley
This is a two-part Romance, encompassing the parallel love stories of a grandmother and her granddaughter. The first part is the better section of the story, with good character development and entertaining setting descriptions. Part 2, in which the scene jumps two generations, seems a bit rushed. Instead of the slow, enjoyable filling in of […]
Sunlight on Venus” by John C. Sable
This is a well-thought-out Dystopian Fantasy that should scare the pants of everyone living on the planet right now. It predicts one possible ending for our present abuse of the environment and brings it home through two ordinary people trying to control their day-to-day lives as humanity comes to an end. It is the first […]