A picture is worth a thousand words unless a poet turns the old platitude on its head and creates an image that is worth a thousand pictures. This poet is one of the few I have read lately who speaks in pictures that drive straight to your emotions. It is a book about childhood, so […]
“The Prodigal Vampire” by M. J. Todd
This novel is a perfect example of a very specific cultural phenomenon: British off-the-wall completely ridiculous humour. It involves a dead vampire who somehow escapes from the netherworld and returns to his old hometown somewhere in England intending to live there. But there is a whole town full of eccentrics whose lives get in his […]
“The Trafficking Murders” by Brian O’Hare
This novel is a rather light approach to a gritty subject. The reason I use the term ‘light’ is that it tells a realistic story of a horrible situation but never goes into the grimy details. The details of the offences are balanced by the interactions of the members of the police squad, and again, […]
“A Tracker’s Tale” by Karen Avizur
This story is fast paced and action oriented, with sympathetic characters in a straightforward good-guys-vs-bad-guys conflict. The plotline is episodic in nature, but the events gradually tie together to lead up to a tense climax. There is a general rule in fantasy of all types not to mix magical styles. Paranormal separate from witches and […]