The title of “Surviving Crazy” may give a good idea of the main conflict of this novel, but it’s also a good description of the experience of reading the book. When you have baseball teams named the “Raleigh Tar Stains” and the “Arizona Prickly Heat,” that gives a pretty good idea of what you’re in […]
“Lleydrin” by J. B. Moran
Lleydrin is a far-future fantasy world where good people with different objectives and beliefs have been separated through historical events so that they have become increasingly tribal and antagonistic towards each other. The novel explores what happens when these disparate groups are required to cooperate to face a common enemy. Shades of 2020 America. The […]
“America: Dr. Wiley’s Construct – Episode 1” by Jackson Wilder
This is a short book comprising 69 pages, a single episode in a longer serial, an old-style Steampunk story with echoes of modern social and political problems, deftly merged. While the publicity calls this book a novella, it really isn’t. It is the first episode of a series, and as such has a different structure […]
“Twisted Cow Tales” by Debby Schoeningh
This book is not a novel. It’s a compilation of a set of newspaper articles. As such, it’s meant to be enjoyed in small batches, not read through at one go. As we expect with this sort of book, its success is mostly because of the author’s low-key sense of humour and imaginative wit. She […]
“Danger in the Rain” by Douglas Boatman
I enjoyed this novel. It’s a standard private detective serial with deeper touches of setting and character that really bring the reader into the story. However, it was a little too much of a good thing. A story like this one, full of action and description with a complicated plotline, can go in two directions. […]