This is a standard Paranormal plotline with an otherworldly Romeo and Juliet situation to sweeten the plot. Rob is a teenager who begins to realize that there is something other than the everyday world going on. Also that he’s one of the people participating. Then he meets Sally, who seems to know more of the […]
“Note to Boy” by Sue Clark
The best book I’ve reviewed in several years. Once I’ve said that, what more can I add? This has got to be the wackiest plotline going, a complete inside-out-and-backwards on Pygmalion and My Fair Lady. It features two of the most unlikely characters that were ever jammed together in a book: a rough-and-tumble street urchin […]
“The German Client” by Bruno Morchio
This novel has a complex format. In intertwines two timelines: the present day, written in normal past tense, and the WWII era, set in present tense. That part actually works, because it makes it clear where readers are in the story. The novel starts out really well. The intimate details of the main character’s feelings […]
“Hinterland” by L M Brown
This is a psychological novel giving an in-depth presentation of what goes on in the minds and emotions of injured people. The main conflict is about the mental illness, but most of the action takes place in the lives of the mostly-sane people affected. Usually in books of this sort we find out from the […]