There are two kinds of detective novels. The first is a detective novel that gives us a bit of the soap opera of the detective’s life to add flavour to the story. The second is a soap opera that uses the detective story for the same purpose. This book is a strange combination of the […]
“Soledad in the Desert” by Meredith Sue Willis
The enjoyment of this story is all about a unique style of writing that works. It is the tale of a group of people re-inventing their culture on an alien world, seen through the eyes of one of the children. So, the story starts with simple and childlike writing, which develops as the child matures […]
“The Chosen Ones” by Lisa Luciano
I decided to review this book because watching figure skating is rather a family hobby. My wife is the kind of super-fan who can tell at a glance a salchow from a loop. I have been watching skating for forty years, sitting beside an expert; something inevitably wears off. So, I am very aware of […]
“The Curious Touch of Cupid’s Son” by Dave Diotalevi
A comedy novel consists of two elements: comedy and story. The most important thing for the writer to get right is the balance between the two. (With an erotic comedy there are three elements: more on that later.) What sounds witty and fresh in the first page starts to pall after a whole chapter. The […]