As far as readers are concerned, it is unfortunate that “Dream Walk” will be the last of the highly enjoyable Lacy Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery Series. From a critical point of view, it is probably the best move. The overarching romantic plotline of the series has come to its inevitable conclusion. Since that provided […]
“The Final Exam,” The Society Agent Series by Shaun J. McLaughlin.
This is a review of “Final Exam,” the first in a new series of very brief novels (under 50 pages) of light Science Fiction adventure. Thus it is also a review of the whole series, or at least the first four books, which I found easy to read in the time I usually allot for […]
“Schism” by Clabe Polk
“Schism” is a crime/action novel, first in the Detective Mike Eiser Series, which seems to be to be directed at the older Young Adult market. While violence and coarse language play their parts, neither reaches the level of obscenity current in harder-edged adult crime novels. Perhaps this comes from the setting, Poplar Bluffs, which is […]