This book is a series of interconnected short tales about the gulf between humans, especially the one between men and women. It’s a very Australian, male chauvinistic sort of life these people live: like life all over the world, but in a uniquely Australian setting. After all, there are a lot of people who can’t manage […]
“Can’t Buy Forever” by Susan Laffoon
This story starts out like a simple Young Adult romance: Girl meets Boy, Girl loses Boy, Girl gets Boy. But very early we get hints that all is not as it seems. We are gradually eased into realizing that there are deeper waters flowing, here. This author has a deft touch with the supernatural, and […]
“IQ84” by Mike Dickerson
Okay, this is a story about a hero called David Dingle, and it’s about people’s heads exploding. Do you get the picture already? Non-stop action, non-stop mania. The story involves a huge cast of wild and weird characters appearing and disappearing (at least their heads do) rapidly. Doctors and nutcases, a Satanist emissary of evil […]
“Dead Heat” by Dick Francis
I usually review books that people send me, and it’s a bit of a crapshoot whether they will turn out good or not. So every once in a while I pick an author I enjoy and do some recreational reading. Dick Francis is one of my favourites. His stories have great characters, good conflicts, and interesting […]