“The Kestrel” is a historical novel based on the conflicts between the Royal Navy and the pirates (and between the pirates themselves) in the Eastern Atlantic in the early 1700s. The hero is the son of a pirate captain who was hanged four years before this story starts. Alex tires of life in the slums […]
“Dreamlander” by K. M. Weiland
Here’s the setup. When we sleep, we don’t dream. We go to another world, where we live another life. In the other world, when we sleep, we come to this world. Except for a mere 8 hours missing when we’re both awake, the premise works pretty well. It’s Fantasy, after all. But Chris Redston’s dreams […]
“The Chronicles of Ara: Perdition” by Joel Eisenberg & Stephen Hillard
I have noted that there are certain pursuits, like skiing, piloting small aircraft, sailboat racing, and living in rainy places like the Pacific Northwest (or the Lower Mainland, as we in B.C. call it) where the weather makes the usual experience so ghastly that when you finally hit a beautiful day, you enjoy it inordinately. […]
“Forestium” (Portallas) by Christopher D. Morgan
Disclaimer: I helped copyedit this book, so I will not comment on the author’s writing style, as I am too close to it. However, that does not stop me from passing along my recommendations on who should read this book and why. Forestium is the coming-of-age journey of Joshua, a young woodsman of a heavily […]