The “Red Desert” series is Near-Future Science Fiction, its plot concerning a very realistic guess as to how the initial colonization of Mars might go. The story skips back and forth between the colonists and the people back on Earth who interact with them, and readers need to be prepared for the point-of-view jumps that […]
The “To Hell with Conventions” Book
Review of a special genre this week. I’ve declared a holiday for myself on specific reviews, because I’m engrossed in a two-book series that is very difficult to read. I’ll leave it to my regular readers to guess which one it is when the review finally comes out next month. Genre Review: The “To Hell […]
Shifting Borders” by Jessie Kwak
Don’t let the cover fool you. This is about the most normal paranormal story I have read. It takes place in a prosaic world where raising ghosts is a business matter, ordered by a judge for legal reasons. But then of course there’s the people who can’t, won’t or shouldn’t get the permits. Patricia – responsible […]
Arthur and George Novel by Julian Barnes/Television Version adapted by Ed Whitmore
The Novel: It is a common complaint of editors when they see a first draft of a manuscript to tell the author that he started the novel too early and ended it too late, resulting in a book that is much too long. This book starts by discussing the first memories of the two main […]
Forager by Peter Stone
This one’s a keeper: Dystopian fiction of a “The Chrysalids” meets “Mad Max” variety. It is the story of Ethan Jones, forager through the ruins of post-apocalyptic Melbourne for the metals that keep his repressive, misogynistic, mutant-paranoid society running. But Ethan’s success in avoiding barbaric Skel (who murder and enslave everyone they can catch) is partially […]
The “To Hell with Conventions” Book
Review of a special genre this week. I’ve declared a holiday for myself on specific reviews, because I’m engrossed in a two-book series that is very difficult to read. I’ll leave it to my regular readers to guess which one it is when the review finally comes out next month.Genre Review: The “To Hell with […]
Shifting Borders by Jessie Kwak
Don’t let the cover fool you. This is about the most normal paranormal story I have read. It takes place in a prosaic world where raising ghosts is a business matter, ordered by a judge for legal reasons. But then of course there’s the people who can’t, won’t or shouldn’t get the permits. Patricia – responsible […]
Hell Holes: What Lurks Below by Donald Firesmith
This will be a short review, because this is a short book. Just longer than novella length, at about 100 pages in the dead-tree edition. In my opinion, Amazon doesn’t give you enough information in this respect. eBook buyers beware. This book is a bit of a surprise in other ways. It starts out like […]
Sol Limitis by James Collins
There is a series airing on PBS right now called “Filthy Cities of the World.” After watching a couple of installments and coming away with nothing but a few interesting historical facts and a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, I stopped watching. But there are some people who enjoy this sort of thing, […]
Sorah’s Quest by T. L. Shreffler
When is a good book not a good book? When there are so many writing errors that readers are constantly removed from their immersion in the action. Miss Shreffler’s writing is very smooth with a reasonable number of grammar and punctuation errors, but still shows a great need for good editing. Positives At first glance, […]